Monday, 27 August 2012

Space Marines WIP2

Picking up from last post where both armour and bases were based with a single layer (Macragge Blue and Scorched Brown, respectively).. Since then quite a bit has happened :D

First the armour plates were washed with Drakenhof Nightshade for shading effects. Secondly, the bases were finished with successive layers of drybrushing (Calthan Brown followed by Bleached Bone).

I've also finished the guns which I'm painting separately until the final highlighting. Metal areas are painting with Leadbelcher and gunstraps with Scorched Brown. All elements are then washed individually (blue, black and brown).

To paint the larger gold elements (chest sigil and shoulder rims) I've followed the advice of Ron on and based with a light warm brown (Calthan Brown) before painting Shining Gold on top. This allows for a single thin application of the metal paint, which leaves a smoother finish.

Finally, I've started on the remaining smaller elements such as belt and pouch (Calthan Brown, washed with Devlan Mud), grenades (Warboss Green washed with Badab Black) and purity seals (Bleached Bone washed with Devlan Mud)

Now all I'm missing is the remaining small outside elements and then some line highlights to make everything stand out a bit more... To be continued :D

1 comment:

  1. Works somewhat halted on my eldar for the moment so much stuff going on that i'm having to juggle I just havn't had time for painting recently... I have gone and ordered a large 72 pait set from vallejo along with the new 6th edition starter set to get some variety to what i'm painting. my friend wants me to paint his defiler for him along with some of his 1000 suns marines too so theres plenty to be doing when i do get round to it. Looking good on the ultramarines? though!!! :D
